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Miscellaneous Documentation

Weapon Model Shrinking

Using a high fov value (say 'fov 110') increases your viewing size, but makes your weapon model larger. You can shrink the size of your weapon model with 'r_viewmodelsize x' where x is a decimal between 0 and 1 inclusive. The smaller x is, the more the weapon model is shrunk. 'r_viewmodelsize 1' gives you normal size.

Supported Demo Formats

FuhQuake supports native playback of qwz and mvd demos. Unlike qwd demos which only allow you to spectate the person who recorded the demo, mvd demos are (usually) recorded by the server and allow you to switch between spectating any player in the game. FuhQuake can also play qwz demo's, provided you set 'qizmo_dir' to point to your qizmo directory so that qizmo can decompress the qwz file into a qwd file.

Demo Watching Utilities

FuhQuake contains a few neat features to make it easier to watch demos. Firstly there is a demos menu (accessed through the multiplayer demo) that lets you graphically select a demo to play. You can also vary the speed of demo playback with the 'demo_setspeed' command. 'demo_setspeed x' sets the playback speed to x% of normal speed so that 'demo_setspeed 50' is half speed and 'demo_setspeed 300' gives you triple speed. The 'demo_jump' command jumps playback to a point in time you specify. For example, 'demo_jump 120' will make playback jump to 120 seconds from the start of the demo and 'demo_jump 4:30' will make playback jump to 4 minutes and 30 seconds from the start of the demo. You can use 'cl_democlock 1' to display the time elapsed since the start of the demo on your screen. 'cl_democlock_x' and 'cl_democlock_y' determine where this clock is positioned on your screen.

Better Screenshots

Use the 'screenshot [filename]' command to take a screenshot. If you don't specify a filename, a filename will be chosen for you. FuhQuake will apply gamma/contrast settings to screenshots unless you use 'scr_sshot_apply_palette 0'. In the OpenGL version of FuhQuake, you can chose between png, jpg and tga screenshots with 'scr_sshot_type'. 'scr_sshot_type png' will give you png screenshots and similarly for tga/jpg screenshots. 'scr_sshot_type tga' is default. Png screenshots are much smaller than tga screenshots but take much longer to write. Jpg screenshots are even smaller, but of less quality. You can set the amount of png compression with 'image_png_compression_level x' where x is an integer from 0 to 9 inclusive. 0 gives no compression and 9 gives maximum compression (and slowest writing time). You can set quality of jpeg screenshots with 'image_jpeg_quality_level x' where x is an integer from 0 to 100 inclusive. The larger x is, the better the quality of a jpeg screenshot, but also the bigger the size.

Note that FuhQuake is intelligent enough to take a screenshot in jpeg format if you use 'screenshot filename.jpg' even if 'scr_sshot_type' says to use a format other than jpg. In otherwords, 'scr_sshot_type' is ignored if the image type is implied by the suffix of the supplied filename.

Movie Making (demo_capture)

The 'demo_capture' command is used to capture screenshots of demo's for movie making. 'demo_capture start x' will capture screenshots of the demo you are playing for x seconds. The screenshots are captured at a constant 30 fps and written to quake\capture. You can use 'demo_capture stop' to stop capturing prematurely. Also you can change 'demo_capture_fps' and 'demo_capture_dir' to change the default capture fps and default capture directory. You need about 1.2GB hard disk space to capture a demo at 640x480 for 40 seconds. Of course you need a program that will convert all the screenshots into a movie.

Instant Cam Tracking

There is a new command in FuhQuake called 'track' which you can use to instantly track a player without cycling through with jump. This command is very powerful and can be used to do nifty things like when watching 4v4 mvd you can make the keypad numbers 1,2,3,4 track the four players on one team and make the keypad numbers 5,6,7,8 track the four players on the other team. Read this if you are interested.

Other Stuff

Case Insensitive Filters
Filters are made case insensitive so "filter #att" will show #ATT/#Att/#aTt messages.

Limiting or Banning cl_truelightning
The server can set a limit on 'cl_truelightning' with 'serverinfo truelightning x' where x is a number between 0 and 1.  0 will disable truelightning all together, 0.5 will limit 'cl_truelightning' to 0.5 etc etc.  When no 'truelightning' key is present in the server's serverinfo string, no limit is assumed. cl_truelightning is not limited during demo playback or on a local server.

'rotate x' rotates you x degrees counter clockwise in the x-y plane.

If you're playing on buggy quakeforge servers (e.g. if you are Brazillian) 'cl_camhack 1' works around the quakeforge bug that makes people appear dead when tracking them in spectator mode.  Default is 'cl_camhack 0'.

'cl_smooth_rockets 1' will smoothen rocket trails when experiencing high packet loss.  It is off by default.  Note that this only works correctly for rockets travelling at the normal deathmatch rocket speed.  It won't for example work correctly for teamfortress pyro rockets.

hosted by ausgamers
fuh can (sometimes) be found on #fuhquake on QuakeNet irc. You can also email fuh (but you will need to remove the underscores from the email address). But the best way to contact him is via the FuhQuake forum.
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